Here is a recent selection of academic institutions that have visited over October 2021, so far.

%Reqs  %KB      KB Sent    Requests   Reversed Subdomain
0.00  0.01        470.4        1 | edu.adams
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.amherst
 0.01  0.04       2543.1        5 | edu.appstate
 0.00  0.02       1017.2        2 | edu.asu.nat
 0.00  0.25      14391.0        2 | edu.berkeley.airbears2
 0.00  0.01        502.2        2 | edu.colorado
 0.00  0.02       1338.8        3 | edu.columbia.dyn
 0.00  0.01        321.6        1 | edu.cornell.cit
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.drake
 0.01  0.03       2034.4        4 | edu.fhsu
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.fsu.wireless
 0.00  0.02        964.9        3 | edu.gatech.lawn
 0.00  0.02        953.3        2 | edu.goucher
 0.00  0.01        470.4        1 | edu.mines
 0.00  0.00          0.6        1 |
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.msstate.dynamic.wireless
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.muohio.dhcp
 0.00  0.02       1017.2        2 | edu.nmu
 0.00  0.02       1017.2        2 | edu.oakton
 0.00  0.00         98.1        1 | edu.ou.wireless-pat
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.pdx.dhcp
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.rutgers.nat
 0.00  0.01        321.6        1 | edu.scripps
 0.00  0.05       2660.8        1 | edu.sjsu.met
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.stanford
 0.00  0.01        321.6        1 | edu.stonybrook.resnet
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.tamu.arch
 0.01  0.10       5594.6       11 | edu.ucdavis
 0.00  0.01        830.2        2 |
 0.00  0.03       1525.8        3 | edu.ucla.resnet
 0.00  0.07       3942.3        2 | edu.ucsb.resnet
 0.06  0.05       2841.9       47 | edu.ucsb.wireless
 0.00  0.01        655.1        1 | edu.ucsc
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.ufl.xlate
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.uidaho.av
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.uidaho.labs
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.ulm.nat
 0.01  0.07       4068.9        8 | edu.umass.wireless
 0.00  0.01        830.2        2 | edu.umd.wireless
 0.00  0.03       1525.9        3 | edu.umn.d
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.umn.wireless.eduroam
 0.01  0.03       2034.4        4 | edu.unc.wireless-1x
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.uncc
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.unh.w4
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.unt
 0.00  0.02       1017.2        2 | edu.utc.dynamic
 0.00  0.00         18.8        1 | edu.uw.cip
 0.00  0.01        321.6        1 | edu.uw.nat
 0.00  0.01        321.6        1 | edu.washington.infra.uwcf-ads-1
 0.01  0.06       3560.3        7 | edu.wisc.uwnet
 0.00  0.03       1525.8        3 | edu.wm.v4
 0.00  0.01        321.6        1 | edu.wmich.pix
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 |
 0.00  0.01        508.6        1 | edu.yale.central

Since I don’t see new attributions directed this way across the web, the burst of attention might only be due to some panicked academic and research departments playing catch-up with the most recent few years of posts here. They might lean Democratic, although I think a new GOP meteorologist gubernatorial candidate has embraced climate change-ology at UNM, where I snapped that photo at the top. I am against what the semi-anonymized faculty member has signaled, no matter how much he and the meteorologist candidate might deny the innovations premiered at [1] and the other two references.

Partisans who are not familiar with [1] are once again invited to read it. Until they write their own relevant paper to [1], their denial can have a collateral effect on the progression of science. That peer-reviewed publication is a good touchstone first because it truly connects solar cycle forcing from the upper atmosphere down to the hydrological surface of the earth. Until that paper, scientists flapped arms wildly and claimed they couldn’t see significant connections between decadal-scaled solar inputs and hydrological outputs (see Gray et al., 2010 on the web somewhere). Because review iterations for the manuscript of [1] extended over two years, the paper’s dissertation core was jettisoned from UNM into the deep blue sea. As a water transport scientist, I know that resistance is part of the fabric and also inevitably futile, Recently on that score, 25 Editors declined to handle [2] before it was eventually reviewed and published.

Prior to the publication of [1], I tried to explore the equable monetization of my solar forecast notions by berthing an office at Science and Technology at UNM. Naturally from that business incubator space I tried to reach out to a range of influencers, money people, and talent, along with media such as the Albuquerque Journal, and potential clients including the ISC and NM SEO along with natural resource management and irrigation entities [3]. As normal for businesses, one makes fast friends and adversaries. Once I had a rare chance to share my climate insights with the NM AG office at about the same time I presented at [3]. I wasn’t able to follow through, but I am always interested to revisit. Such a presentation or even debate seems long overdue, because our AG office receives, or had received private climate change instruction from a possibly partisan law college. I have related how partisan minded colleagues can be willfully wrong about both climate and environmental justice. Would that fit within the transparent framework that citizens expect from their state AG or other institutions?

In a few societies the madman is given some slack, for challenging things like major institutional stands on climate change, or calling some contemporary vaccination claims “antigenic grift”, and so I invoke an absolutely true and factual escape clause. Those blog posts include my first original published connection of solar cycles to hydrological signatures of the Western US, but it would take you hours to burrow down. I learned a few things about solar cycles in those innocent days, only to have my comfortable and safe conventional notions whipped to submission by an alternate more institutional and less natural hypothesis for the existence of the Maunder Minimum.

And with willful enslavement to data as a good thing to keep in mind, on a parallel track this blog has focused on advancing the state of the art of climate and viral transport science. For example, if I choose to openly consider that actual solar cycles may have persisted in driving climate throughout any decadal or longer period, in spite of the official institutional record, or the prestige of the institutions, what would that make me? It would make me normal, because even SILSO doesn’t recognize that period for minimal sunspot activity claims. New Mexican residents outside of academia seem to approve of these challenging scientific informal explorations, and have downloaded over 20,000 files this month to date.

I appreciate and wonder if maybe this general issue of opaque partisans working alongside, advising and producing content for public offices, would be an important topic for political office candidates to fume about here in climatologically and antigenically troubled New Mexico. Given the current covid-19 pandemic and vaccination dark ages backdrop, antigen testing appears to have been buried by the less accurate non-antigenic tests. Possibly this website has profiled that scale of eclipse with a steady gaze like none since before the Maunder Minimum. That may also be another reason for the added academic visits, and perhaps a topic for questions to candidates and your own health care professionals.

Why have antigenic testing for virus surveillance and vaccine efficacy evaluation been eclipsed by these methods ?



Bottom Image fair use adapted from numerous representations of viruses and one representation of dogs by Artist Arthur Sarnoff (d. 2000). See Top image excerpt from an academic office door.

Opinions and questions at all posts are only those of the author.

[1] Wallace, M.G., 2019, Application of lagged correlations between solar cycles and hydrosphere components towards sub-decadal forecasts of streamflows in the Western US  Hydrological Sciences Journal  Volume 64 Issue 2.   doi: 10.1080/02626667.2019.

[2] Wallace, M.G., Wang, Y. Pollen antigens and atmospheric circulation driven seasonal respiratory viral outbreak and its implication to the Covid-19 pandemic. Sci Rep 11, 16945 (2021).   open access publication now available here.

[3] Wallace, M.G., 2016, Ocean and Solar Based Climate Forecasts, invited presentation to Thirtieth Annual Rio Grande Basin Snowmelt Runoff Forecast Meeting, interagency annual climate meeting sponsored by United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA NRCS) with SNOTEL features.  Albuquerque, NM  April 12th, 2016 

3506total visits,9visits today