Demonstration:     SolarVsStreamflowMWA

Our work continues to reveal the unique connections between Solar cycles and streamflow oscillations.  This is one part of the reason that our forecasts are so reproducibly accurate.

For those who require advanced and accurate forewarning of mid to long term moisture conditions in their region, please contact us for a quote.

News May 19 2016: We presented a new forecast set for the Animas River at:

Environmental Conditions of the Animas and San Juan Watersheds with Emphasis on Gold King Mine and Other Mine Waste Issues

Solar and Ocean Based Hydrologic Forecasts for the Animas River Leading to the End of 2022
Mike Wallace, MW&A Albuquerque, NM

Sponsored by the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute  (WRRI)
Conference held at Farmington, NM May 17-18, 2016


MW&A applies our unique approach, grounded in best stochastic hydrologic practices, in producing these forecasts, projections, predictions and/or hindcasts (fpph), and in analyzing past forecasts and forecasts by others.  MW&A makes no further representations on fpph performance or accuracy.  Buyers are cautioned and advised to treat all hydroclimatologic forecasts as exercises which although based on quantifiable data, are nonetheless subject to extensive uncertainty.

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