The oscillations of the PDO are well known to impact climate at regions around the world.  But can the PDO itself be forecast?

Yes, but currently only to a limited extent and only by our firm so far as we know.

We offer exclusive forecasts of the world impacting Pacific Decadal Oscillation.  We now  forecast the PDO trend over several moving averages.

Our PDO forecast ensemble includes a number of multi year averages, including a 1 year and 10 year trailing average, for different spans of time into the future.   Please check our Store page for this climate precursor forecast product, or contact us for early access.

Please note that unlike many of our other forecasts, this is only a projection of continued rise or fall of the PDO.  It does not include an “official” projection of the magnitude of the rise or fall, even though we do publish the regression based projection as part of the content.

image is draft of a work in progress.  copyright 2015-2017 mwa


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