closing in on merid transport and related solar driving notion

update 1 October 2024, Mopping up after a blast at scientific sounder meeting in Pasadena, CA. To attend to more closely, please consider following @Mike8Wallace. In either case, you’ll get what you pay for and more. To recap I’ll add updates to this blog post over time as it relates to my small business of projecting streamflows up to decades in advance, more accurately than any climate model.

To start, I shared this pure data (reanalysis) animation of ozone falling from the sky a second time in the invitational event. I had also earlier placed this in my art section because it seemed so foreign and fantastic. At the event however I only posted it midway. It may contribute to scientific approaches to the ozone layer and ozone pollution attribution I expect, since it also maybe seemed foreign and mysterious to some in audience. I’m hoping to learn more together.

20dayOzone.gif (875×656) (

My most important contribution could be in regard to apparent overland flow processes that were reproducibly mapped to ozone falling from sky. If corroborated, ozone paradigms at both ends of ozone cycle might shift towards a solar-forced secondary to the hydrospheric cycle.

update 24 July 2023, passing on a draft with my related contributions, to the team!

We plan to advance further on a publication submission that includes solar forcing full planet conceptualization and prototypes of generalized prediction applications. MWA is a hydroclimatological forecasting firm after all and is proud to contribute to this paper.

Because I’ve reached this self imposed milestone, I will attend to a video in response to an invitation from podcaster Tom Nelson, at suggestion of agricultural engineer Jusper Machogu of Kenya.

It has been a while since I’ve had guests on this site, so I’ll attend to that after I fulfill current commitments.

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