A new paper [1] which surveys pH measurement approaches associated with immunofluorescence, such as the ferret antibody epitopes, also recognizes that
“The glass pH electrode (geph) is the gold standard and by far the most widely used tool..“
Their focus on nano-applications either in-vitro or in-vivo, such as reliable tests of viral antigens, is the main reason they don’t get to use the bulky gephs. It is interesting in any case to review that protein – pH relationships will guide immunofluorescence.
Meanwhile informal information continues to support that ocean researchers widely deploy gephs, regardless of objections raised by ocean acidification principal scientists Doney, Feely, Sabine, and others. This possibly widespread use also appears to challenge the rationale behind the Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health X Prize which seemed to have the endorsement of those scientists.
It’s sad because that older generation also were helpful in some aspects of piecing together ocean dynamics. For example, wind – induced coastal upper latitude upwelling are becoming more well known to relate to DIC and ocean pH. That intersection is of great interest to me and colleagues, and so I continue to devote some attention to wind and water across the oceans and atmosphere from pole to pole.

Would you believe that the cyan band defines the Earth’s average altitude over that month for the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) ? Believe it, or consider writing a paper to dismiss. And when one reconciles with Pagano et al 2011 on AIRS CO2 seasonality and upwelling, unseeing becomes very difficult. For my own amusement if not survival, I imagine that these maps would also be useful to time and space traveling life phorms.
[1] Steinegger, A., Wolfbeis, O.S., and Borisov, S.M., 2020 Optical Sensing and Imaging of pH Values: Spectroscopies, Materials, and Applications. Chem.Rev. 2020, 120, 12357-12489 https://europepmc.org/backend/ptpmcrender.fcgi?accid=PMC7705895&blobtype=pdf
Source of featured image also from [1]
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