The greenhouse gas (ghg) effect is asserted by leading scientists everywhere to be an unquestionable fact.   It is unquestionably more powerful than Water and the Sun.  Unfortunately verification is lacking across the board, from laboratory experiments all of the long dull way to physical observations, paleo reconstructions, and finally to the global circulation climate change models.   How could a limb of nominal science extend so far, for so long, without a smidgeon of verification?  Careers.    It seems that the ghg claims are only unquestionable because an insistence on verification will lead to punitive consequences.

But Reader, I owe you more than rhetoric, even if you owe me more than indifference.  I owe you a short description of the greatest, most unquestionable greenhouse gas experiment of all time.  As a career-blind Ph.D. graduate student and scientist, I was hoping for years to find and cite such a ghg experiment.  Naturally it had to be on a high-profile, rigorous, professional scale.  Something like quantum teleporting that one might find at CERN or FermiLab.   Something supported by world-class thinkers, such as Richard Feynman for a casual example, who might share a sense of the importance of this demonstration to the survival of western freedoms as we once knew them.

But Dr. Feynman passed away years ago.  And today’s top international research institutions cannot seem to be bothered with such an unrewarding task as potentially disproving the greenhouse gas effect on our planet.  So simply by default, I give you the high school CO2 soda bottle heating and cooling laboratory experiment.  In fact, it appears to be the only ghg experiment in existence.  Unfortunately it actually disproves the ghg effect, even as it proves classical physics.

click on this amazing ghg laboratory experiment picture to learn more.

On the other hand, the Ocean Acidification (OA) effect, as signified by a narrative of uniformly decreasing pH over the past century, is asserted by leading scientists everywhere to be an unquestionable fact.   It is unquestionably more powerful than Water and the Sun.  Unfortunately verification is lacking across the board, from laboratory experiments all of the long dull way to physical observations, paleo reconstructions, and finally to the global circulation climate change models.   How could a limb of nominal science extend so far, for so long, without a smidgeon of verification?  Careers.    It seems that the OA claims are only unquestionable because an insistence on verification will lead to punitive consequences.

But Reader, I owe you more than rhetoric, even if you owe me more than indifference.   After years of studying OA claims and learning some things about punitive consequences for asking questions, I eventually came to the realization that lightning and pH are inextricably connected.  And in this rich field, I can always contribute more and more.  Consider the so-called “Point of Zero Charge” (PZC).

click on this amazing example of pH in action to learn more.

Any scientifically literate person can research the universally-admired and accepted PZC to find that it should be more accurately called the “pH Point of Zero Charge” (pHPZC).   It is the pH in an aqueous medium, or a wet atmosphere, where the ever-present electric charge between two regions is balanced.  It is the essence of the Nernst equation, and therefore, it is the reason one can trust a properly calibrated glass electrode pH meter (geph).  Accordingly the epic omission of millions of geph measurements from the OA narrative, without disclosure by leading scientists (none of them are Richard Feynman), remains a concern on the field of ocean sciences.

On the other hand, the Ozone Hole from CFCs (OHCFCs) effect is asserted by leading scientists everywhere to be an unquestionable fact.   The destruction of atmospheric ozone by CFCs is unquestionably more powerful than the destruction which Water can do to that O3 molecule and also more significant in its destruction than the Sun can compensate for (by continually generating more ozone).  Unfortunately verification is lacking across the board, from laboratory experiments all of the long dull way to physical observations, paleo reconstructions, and finally to the global circulation climate change models.   How could a limb of nominal science extend so far, for so long, without a smidgeon of verification?  Careers.    It seems that the OHCFCs claims are only unquestionable because an insistence on verification will lead to punitive consequences.

But Reader, I owe you more than rhetoric, even if you owe me more than indifference.    I owe you a short description of the greatest, most unquestionable Ozone Hole experiment of all time.  As a career-blind Ph.D. graduate student and scientist, I was hoping for years to find and cite such an Ozone Hole experiment.  Naturally it had to be on a high-profile, rigorous, professional scale.  Something like quantum teleporting that one might find at CERN or FermiLab.   Something supported by one or more world-class scientists like Richard Feynman for a casual example, who might share a sense of the importance of this demonstration to the survival of western freedoms as we once knew them.   But Dr. Feynman passed away years ago.  And today’s top international research institutions cannot seem to be bothered with such an unrewarding task as potentially disproving the OHCFCs effect on our planet.

None of these scientists are Richard Feynman

So Reader, you may be left by default with the sad result of my own years of studying OHCFCs claims.  I eventually came to the realization that neither CFCS or even Chlorine can account for destruction of ozone in any significance when compared to WATER.   It’s very strange as well, because a research facility in Boulder Colorado measures atmospheric ozone and moisture daily.  The inverse relations appear to be obvious to any and all, except for the researchers who make the measurements.  One wonders if it is their mission to not recognize this connection.  I wonder because I asked them, and the response was not a satisfying one.

As moisture drops, ozone rises. As moisture rises, ozone drops. But don’t expect the researchers at the Ozone and Water Vapor Group of the Global Monitoring Laboratory in Boulder, who conduct these daily measurements, to ever recognize or publish papers about this eternal pattern.

In this post, I’ve explored three unquestionable questions.  I’ve alluded to rhetorical and scientific dimensions.  I’m a bit at a loss to understand to this day how any scientific topic can be considered unquestionable.  Yet this phenomenon only appears to grow with each progressive year.  Sorry, I don’t have any answers, only questions that are no longer permitted.

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