For those interested in what might really be happening to our glaciers, and how their behavior may reflect on questions of anthropogenic climate forcing, I offer preliminary hydrogeostrophic perspectives.
I’m working forward from that previous post to reinforce awareness of some notable and most timely contradictions by anthropogenic proponents. In that previous link I have already pointed to the fact that NASA glacier scientist Josh Willis is on record stating that when glaciers are shrinking, this is very bad, and when glaciers are growing, this is also very bad.
It also turns out that Dr. Willis was referring to the same glacier for each interview. To confirm, I simply read the supporting two articles by the science publisher NATURE, both appearing this past winter, and one coauthored by Willis. The two scientific papers presented contradictory glacier findings about the same glacier, at the same time. The reporters who interviewed Dr. Willis did not note this.
In the December 2018 USA Today feature titled “Greenland’s ice sheet melt has ‘gone into overdrive’ and is now ‘off the charts’, we are informed of a NATURE Geosciences article [1], which argues that Greenland’s Jakobshavn glacier has been losing mass at an accelerated rate.
And in a March 2019 NBC article titled “Key Greenland glacier growing again after shrinking for years, NASA study shows”, readers are alerted to a separate NATURE article coauthored by Willis, that indicates the Jakobshavn glacier is gaining mass.Strangely enough, two other authors participated in both papers. Perhaps I’ll learn more about this glacier and will be able to share further in the future.
I do know that this glacier is a major focus of contemporary taxpayer funded studies. Yet, along with many other significant glaciers, it is not included in the supposedly exhaustive compendium of fateful glacier changes at World Glacier Monitoring Service ICSU (WDS) – IUGG (IACS) – UNEP – UNESCO – WMO | 2017.
I look forward to adding some perspectives on that product shortly as well.
[1] Trusel, L.D., Dias, S.B., Osman, M.B., Evans, M.J., Smith, B.E., Fettweis, X., McConnell, J.R., Noel, B.P.Y., and van den Broeke, M.R., 2018. Nonlinear rise in Greenland runoff in response to post-industrial Arctic warming. NATURE Vol. 564. Letter
[2] Khazendar, A., Fenty, I.G., Carroll, D., Gardner, A.,, Lee, C.M., Fukumori, I., Wang, O., Zhang, H., Seroussi, H., Moller, D., Noel, B.P.Y., van den Broeke, M.R., Dinardo, S., and Willis,J. 2019. Interruption of two decades of Jakobshavn Isbrae acceleration and thinning as regional ocean cools. Nature Geoscience 12, 277-2019
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