As a new entry to the climate forecasting field, we  have already accurately forecast stream flows across the Western US in nearly 200 exercises.  We have compared our approaches and results to others,and can demonstrate that our production over the past year qualifies as the most transparently accurate climate forecasts among the major alternate vendors considered.  As part of that demonstration, our previous post:


includes an example summary from our hydroclimatologic forecasting paid publication, in which the absolute performances of all of our forecasts are divided into equal 10 percent bins.  They are then rank ordered to a simple criteria and updates are reported every quarter to subscribers.

We now offer a bi-annual periodical that compares our standardized results as best we can fit (via our proven Transparency & Accuracy formula) to other commonly favored forecasts, predictions, projections, and /or Hindcasts (fppH) provided by other well known Vendors.

The report ranks each fppH with regard to transparently accurate climate forecasting.  This includes roughly a dozen unique climate change forecast vendors, including NASA, USDA NRCS, UN IPCC, NOAA, The Nature Conservancy, The Farmer’s Almanac vendors, and others.  Future issues will include additional guest authors and expanded rankings, with additional vendor coverage.

The development this year of our premier issue may have promoted a major shift in the policy of one government agency to indicate that they will soon report on past climate prediction accuracy performance, covering an ~80 year period.

That welcome development is summarized in our publication.   Other vendors are featured whom currently provide little if any transparent coverage of forecast accuracy.   Our publication provides a value added service by helping to identify the state of climate forecasting transparency within a variety of contexts and vendor solutions.

The price for our premier  issue on the  The State of Transparently Accurate Climate Forecasting is $1995.00 US.


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