references collected from various posts.

Post 5-8-2018

*The dissertation topic on millennial scaled droughts published at that page in relation to my past work there is not accurate, but I appreciate the spirit in which that was written.  I originally entered the program to explore space dust impacts on ice ages and that applies roughly to a hundred-thousand year cycle.  Upon direction by my advisor at that time, Dr. Harjit Ahluwalia, I steered towards more contemporary climate topics.  I have focused since that time upon climate records of the last century and climate forecasts into the next several years to decades    😀

Others in general I’m working with of late:


Ahluwalia, H. S.  2012.  Three-cycle quasi-periodicity in solar, geophysical, cosmic ray data and global climate change.  Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics. 41, 509-519.

Bloomberg News, reported by Vekshin, A. 2014

Corbet, T. and M. G. Wallace, 1993.  Post Pleistocene Patterns of Shallow Groundwater Flow in the Delaware Basin, Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas, New Mexico Geological Society 44th Annual Field Conference and Guidebook, sponsored by the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM.

Diaz, H. F., Fu, C. B. and Quan, X. W.  1992.  A comparison of surface geostrophic winds with COADS ship wind observations.  Proceedings of the International COADS Workshop, Colorado, January 13-15, 1992, pp. 131-141.

Goldenberg, S.B., C.W. Landsea, A.M. M-Nunez, and W.M. Gray, 2001, The recent increase in atlantic hurricane activity: causes and implications.  SCIENCE Vol. 293

Gray, L.J., J. Beer, M. Geller, J. D. Haigh, M. Lockwood, K. Matthes, U. Cubasch, D. Fleitmann, G. Harrison, L. Hood, J. Luterbacher, G. A. Meehl, D. Shindell, B. van Geel, and W. White, 2010. Solar influences on climate, Reviews of Geophysics, 48

Gutzler, D.S.  2013.  Streamflow Projections for the upper Gila River.  New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission.  UNM Contract No. 37675.

Houze, R. A.  2003.  From hot towers to TRMM: Joanne Simpson and advances in tropical convection research.  Meteorological Monographs, 29, 37–37.

Hoyt, D.V. and Schatten, K. H.  1997.  The Role Of The Sun In Climate Change.  Oxford University Press.

Jacob, D. J.  1999.  Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ, United States.

Keith, D. W.  1995.  Meridional energy transport: Uncertainty in zonal means.  Tellus 47 A, 30–44.

Koppen, W.  1914.  Lufttemperaturen, Sonnenflecke und Vulkanausbruche.  Meteorlogische Zeitung, 31, 305-328.

Liange, X., Lettenmaier, D. P., Wood, E. F. and S.J. Burges.  1994.  A simple hydrologically based model of land surface water and energy fluxes for General Circulation Models.  Journal of Geophysical Research  99, 14415-14428.

Linz, M., R.A. Plumb, E.P. Gerber, F.J. Haenel, G. Stiller, D.E. Kinnison, A. Ming, and J.L. Neu, 2017, The strength of the meridional overturning circulation of the stratosphere  Nature Geoscience 10, 663-667

Marani, M., G. Grossi, F. Napolitano, M. Wallace, and D. Entekhabi, 1997, Forcing, Intermittency, and Land Surface Hydrological Partitioning,  Water Resources Research, Vol. 33, No. 1, 167-175

Meldrum, C.  1885.  On a supposed periodicity of the cyclones of the Indian Ocean south of the equator.  British Association Report, 925-926.

Otto-Bleisner, B. L. and Clement, A.  2005.  The sensitivity of the Hadley Circulation to past and future forcings in two climate models.  In: Diaz, H. F.  and R.S. Bradley, R. S. (eds.), The Hadley Circulation: Present, Past and Future, 15, 437–464.  Kluwer Academic Publishers.  Printed in the Netherlands.

Qui, B. and S. Chen, 2012. Multidecadal sea level and gyre circulation variability in the Northwestern Tropical Pacific Ocean.  Journal of Physical Oceanography.  42, 193-206.

Ramsey, J. L., R. Blaine, J. W. Garner, J. C. Helton, J. D. Johnson, L. N. Smith, and M. Wallace, 1998. “Radionuclide and Colloid Transport in the Culebra Dolomite and Associated Complementary Cumulative Distribution Functions in the 1996 Performance Assessment for the Waste Isolation Pilot Reliability Engineering and System Safety 69,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, September 2000, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 397–420

Rhines, P.B. and W.R. Young, 1982. A theory of wind-driven circulation.  I.  Mid-ocean gyres.  Journal of Marine Research 40  Supplement.  559-596.

Wallace, M., 1995, Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater Flow and Transport Conditions in the Culebra Aquifer.  Technical Report for Features, Events and Processes (FEP) package NS-8b.  prepared for Sandia National Laboratories, WIPP Project

Wallace, M.G., 2014, “Impacts for Hydrologic Forecasting from Correlations of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) to Major New Mexico Watersheds”.  New Mexico Mining Association,  2014 Santa Fe, NM.

Wallace, M.G., 2016a, “Ocean and Solar Based Climate Forecasts”.  Presentation at 30TH ANNUAL RIO GRANDE BASIN SNOWMELT RUNOFF FORECAST MEETING.  USDA NRCS April 12, 2016 Albuquerque NM  Highlight:  Attendees included the NRCS, NOAA, USGS, NWS and New Mexico State Climatologist.

Wallace, M.G., 2016b, “Solar and Ocean based Hydrologic Forecasts for the Animas River Leading to the end of 2022”  ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OF THE ANIMAS AND SAN JUAN WATERSHEDS WITH EMPHASIS ON GOLD KING MINE AND OTHER MINE WASTE ISSUES May 17-19, 2016  San Juan College, Farmington, NM Sponsored by the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute

Wallace, M.G., 2017a, Invited Presentation “The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) climate index.  Groundwater Management District Associations (GMDA) Summer Conference May 25, 2017

Wallace, M.G., 2017b, Advances in Forecasting Flows of the Animas River and Other Streams in the Western US  Presentation at the 2nd Annual Conference on Environmental Conditions of the Animas and San Juan Watersheds with Emphasis on Gold King Mine and Other Mine Waste Issues.  New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute (NMWRRI).  June 20-22, Farmington, NM

Wallace, M.G., 2017c, Moderator of CLIMATE session and Presenter on “New Solar Based Moisture and Temperature Forecasts in the Western US”, Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Flagstaff Arizona (September 8)

Wallace, M.G., 2017d, Invited Presentation “The Turquoise Triangle: Distinctive Hydroclimatologic Patterns Across New Mexico And Connected  Domains”, New Mexico Mining Association,  2017 annual meeting Santa Fe, NM (September 7)

Wallace, M.  2018 Application of Newly Identified Solar-Atmospheric Connections  Towards Improved Forecasts Of Streamflows In The Western US.  currently under peer review at the Hydrological Sciences Journal.

Zhang, C. and Chen, G.  2008.  The atmospheric wet pool: Definition and comparison with the oceanic warm pool. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 26, 440–449.




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